Friday 29 April 2011

Cantilans this time.....moltoni next???

After last week's Eastern Subalpine Warbler (S.c.albistriata) was found in the field and then avoided the nets and the trap in the obs garden, a male Western Subalpine Warbler was found in the trap whilst trying to catch a Sedge warbler this morning. 

Western Subalpine Warbler (c) Steve Stansfield

The red throat on the bird is less saturated and more salmony coloured than the eastern bird last week which was deeper port wine coloured; in addition the moustacial stripe is weaker and the colour on the underside extends onto the belly and flanks, see Ben's image below of the eastern for comparison. 
Eastern Subalpine Warbler (c) Ben Porter (20 April 2011)

1 comment:

  1. Send one this way Steve, western or eastern - we're not fussy!
